Ishowspeed im gay meme

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Can you give me some money for a new dress? What was the other name for Native Americans? What is the easiest command you can teach your dog?ĭo you want Apple to launch a new product?ĭo you know what happened in Kenya today?Įxcuse me, can you spell the word “indeed” for me please?ĭo you want to come with me to the West Indies? How do you say “Yes, you look good” in Spanish? When his dad asked him “what,” he replied, “Deez Nuts,” referring to his danglers, before bursting into laughter. He dials his dad to ask if he received anything in the mail. The many viral “Deez Nuts jokes,” now widely shared online, stem from Welvin Harris, who made a prank call. In the literal sense of “Deez Nuts,” it refers to a man’s crown jewels. This incident inspired many memes, spoofs, and imitations. For example, this guy thought it was the funniest thing in the world for Deez nuts to be brought to “People’s Court” in 2014. The phrase has appeared in pop culture from time to time over the last two decades.

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Dre’s “Deeez Nuuuts” from the 1992 album the Chronic put the phrase on the map. Where did the name Deez Nuts come from?ĭr Dre can be credited in part. America is still buzzing at the thought of Deez Nuts Jokes.

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